Normally, pipe free areas should be marked for the taking of carbide measurement samples. In reality however, theses free places tend to get used up before the floor is really dry or there is no way of choosing the most humid spot. If you want to carry on working, there are three different aids you can use to help yourself.
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Infrared Camera
An infrared camera with a resolution of 120 x 160 pixels performs excellent work 98% of the time, but is completely useless if the heating is turned off or in summer, when the surrounding air temperature is the same as the inlet temperature.
Radio-location scanner
A radiolocation scanner which, using the capacitance (similar to the non-destructive humidity indicators), can determine the course of all pipes in the floor. The practical success rate however gets evaluated differently.
All that is left is the good old intuition. With a 40 mm wide electric chisel the impact energy is less than with a 20 mm- version of its kind, besides, every hit is even and consistent. Through this you can feel the different resistance in screeds which can then be identified as pipes in the bottom layer of the screed.
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